

Welcome to SciBuffet. Whether you want to be a master programmer or a quantum field theory aficionado or a clever number theorist, we've got you covered. We've scoured through the internet and gathered the best free resources for studying STEM: Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics - including textbooks, lecture videos, courses and more! Head over to the library to check out what we've got in store for you!

Why though?

Well, that's a long-ish story. Long story short: university textbooks are pricy. Usually. We find the priceless ones (both literally and figuratively) from the unknown corners of the internet, and here, in one place, you can find all of them (that we've found so far). And if we can find no such textbook, we'll write one for you folks. Just mail us if you can't find a textbook for some topic and we'll try our best to deliver.

Can't I just look it up?

The internet is HUGE! There's no shortage of material for every topic that you might want to learn. However, there is a shortage of free textbooks. When you search on Google, the best resources don't always come up at the top. That's natural, since the universe always keeps conspiring to increase its entropy. Now you'd say, "Hold on... Isn't Google fighting entropy? Keeping the entirety of the internet from falling into chaos?"

Well it is trying its best, but its opponent is, you know, the universe. So even Google can't order websites correctly all the time. The technicalities are beyond the scope of this course, but suffice it to say that it's 'cause Google doesn't really understand what's in any website. It ranks your search results based off of certain properties of the websites. These properties don't necessarily ensure good content though. So often you might be looking for a good, comprehensive, and free resource on some topic but you wouldn't find any. Not because there isn't any, but more likely because Google doesn't realise that it has what you're looking for. That's where we want to help you guys. See? Told ya I was trying to help!